Easy Delicious Spicy Vegetarian Noodle

Easy Delicious Spicy Vegetarian Noodle surely is one of my favorite food. Today we will prepare Spicy Vegetarian Noodle for my friends.

Spicy Vegetarian Noodle

Easy Yummy Spicy Vegetarian Noodle

You can have Spicy Vegetarian Noodle by following 12 ingredients and just 4 steps. Here is cooking guidance how you can easily do that.


1 It's 150 grams of fresh yellow noodle.
2 It's 100 grams of beans sprouts.
3 About 2 tsp of oil.
4 It's of sweet and spicy sauce.
5 You need 1/2 cup of thai cili sauce.
6 Approximately 1 tbsp of light soy sauce.
7 Prepare 1 cup of water.
8 Approximately 1 tbsp of peri peri sauce or chili sauc.
9 Approximately of garnish.
10 About 1 dash of black pepper.
11 Approximately 1 bunch of scallion.
12 Take 1 bunch of chery tomato and onion.

Cooking Instructions

Step 1 Mix all for sauce and set aside.
Step 2 With oil brown shallot and garlic then add noodle and sauce with water and mix well for 2 minute.
Step 3 Then add bean sprouts and mix well again.
Step 4 Off heat top garnish.

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