Yummy Food Vickys Halloween Cucumber 'Caprese' Snake Salad, GF DF EF SF NF

Tasty Food Vickys Halloween Cucumber 'Caprese' Snake Salad, GF DF EF SF NF must be our favorite food. Its easy to make Vickys Halloween Cucumber 'Caprese' Snake Salad, GF DF EF SF NF for my son.

Vickys Halloween Cucumber 'Caprese' Snake Salad, GF DF EF SF NF

Easy Yummy Vickys Halloween Cucumber 'Caprese' Snake Salad, GF DF EF SF NF

You can easily cook Vickys Halloween Cucumber 'Caprese' Snake Salad, GF DF EF SF NF in 7 ingredients and just 8 steps. Here is cooking guidance how you can easily do that.


1 Approximately 1 of cucumber.
2 Prepare 2 of olives/grapes for eyes.
3 About of mixed salad/basil leaves to serve.
4 Take of salad dressing of choice.
5 Approximately 1 of large tomato.
6 About 1 of red onion.
7 It's 250 grams of mozzarella style cheese block, I used 'Teese' vegan no-soy mozzarella.

Cooking Instructions

Step 1 Cut the ends from the cucumber for making the head and tail. On the head piece cut a V shape in the middle of the narrow end to make a gaping mouth.
Step 2 Cut a forked tongue from a slice of cucumber and put it in the mouth and use cocktail sticks to stick on eyes made out of olives or grapes.
Step 3 Slice the tomato, cheese and onion into equal sized slices. I got 6 slices from each and so cut 6 slices of cucumber to use but depending on how long you need your snake to be you can triple the cucumber slices and put a slice between everything.
Step 4 Layer your serving tray with salad leaves. You can add a dressing of choice at this point.
Step 5 Now start layering the tomato, mozzarella, onion and cucumber slices on top of the salad leaves. Make it bendy and curved around the tray like a snake.
Step 6 Add the head and tail and it's done!.
Step 7 This is a great side to the Halloween Man-Eating Bun and Savoury Severed Fingers in my profile!.
Step 8 You can use any leftover cucumber to add to water for a refreshing summer drink, chop it and make a raita or try my Green Gazpacho also in my profile!.

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